Gaytopia History Displayed In Print

Discover what it was like growing up gay in America. Explore the challenges that many gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and questioning individuals faced as they strived to live their lives without persecution or hatred for who they love.

Themissing Where Have They Gone

Every day, thousands of young individuals disappear across the United States. Discover the poignant stories behind the headlines about young gay individuals who are missing and exploited at the onset of their lives.

Killernews The Boogieman Is Real

Among the most infamous were the acts of serial killers such as William Bonin and Randy Kraft, dubbed the “Freeway Killers,” who were responsible for the deaths of at least 100 young gay men and boys. Explore how the media’s role in uncovering these murders and see how Law Enforcement’s homophobic view and policies hindered in finding these individuals.

Vicimology Did the media do enough?

The startling reality is that major media outlets, including the Los Angeles Times and the San Francisco Examiner, failed to connect the dots between victims and serial killers. Investigate the headlines featuring John Does in news articles that ought to have raised red flags for law enforcement.